Input voltage:220V/110V
Output power:100W
Output voltage(Max):40KV
Output current(Max):30mA
Warm prompt:
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Name: 100W CO2 laser power
Number: WJE2AG-100W
Brand: Yochain
Input Voltage: AC220V±10% 110V
Output Laser Power: 100W
Output Curent: 30mA
Output Voltage: 40KV
Response Time: ≤1mS
Optocoupler Interface Controller: DC(5±2V) / bright dipping
Laser Power Adjustable: 1. adjust the output current by potentiometer, 2. controlled by PWM (TTL level)
Laser Switch: manual operation or optocoupler interfaceWork Temperature: -10~+40℃
Environment Humidity: ≤85%
Cooling Mode: air cooling
Dimension: 395*325*160 (mm)
Install Size: 380*70 (mm)
Application: Acrylic engraving/cutting; cloth carving/cutting; double color plate engravingcutting; rubber engraving/cutting, etc.
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